Great Insight On Leadership

“Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence.” Sheryl Sanberg     Julaina Kleist0Corwin Editor of Written Across the Genres Author of Hada’s Fog

Hada’s Fog Chapter Twenty-Two Posted Today

      The twenty-second chapter of Hada’s Fog is posted. See Menu above.         Preparations were made for Samuel’s visit to light the menorah with his daughters. Lev and Bira go to Abe’s house to avoid being with Samuel. While sipping Cinnamon apple cider at Abe’s, Bira’s intuition kicks in and […]

Quotes About Photography

                    This photo I took a few years ago. It’s not my best, but I like it. “Graced by Light,” Anne Patterson hung 20 miles of multi-colored ribbons from the ceiling of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco and illuminated them, To see more photos of this […]

Our Attention Spans Are Decreasing

As I was surfing the web today, I copied the following quote and forgot where I found it. “According to a study done by Microsoft this year, it was determined that the average human attention span is 8 seconds. It’s gone from 12 seconds, which was reported in 2000, to 8 seconds in which you […]

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