Steve Olsher’s What Is Your What?

choices to make better Steve Olsher’s book, What is your What? has the subtitle, Discover the ONE Amazing Thing You were Born to do.

I’m preparing an online course in which one topic is to discover your purpose (inspired by Vrinda Norman at her live event in San Francisco last weekend).

I bought the book What is Your What?  by Steve Olsher  a couple weeks ago, now I see  it will be a good reference for me to help people who want to live their purpose.

On page 79, Olsher started Chapter 7 with a quote from Robert F. Bennett:

“Your life is the sum result of all the choices you make, both consciously and unconsciously. If you can control the process of choosing, you can take control of all aspects of your life. You can find the freedom that comes from being in charge of yourself.”

Fork in the roadChoice you always haveChoices my book Jeff Goins quote














Olsher offers life-altering principles. In Chapter 9, he says “Do Things Aligned with Who You Want to Become”.  Operating with a positive attitude and strong sense of self as if you have become your goal, will bring amazing results. “The choices you make and the activities you undertake will be markedly different from the way you used to live, and people will pick up on your aura of success, increasing your chances of achieving genuine success.”

On the inside front cover, is an inspiring quote: “One person has the power to change the world, impact millions of lives, and leave a legacy for lifetimes to come. That person is . . . YOU!

Let’s go for it.

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