More on Misplaced Modifiers

My last post from Violet’s Vibes had examples of misplaced modifiers. Here a few more from Bonnie Trenga’s book, The Curious Case of the Misplaced Modifier, a Writers Digest Book. She explains that  since a modifier usually describes the nearest noun, when it ends up next to the wrong word, it becomes misplaced. Here are […]

Blogging a Book

Most writers know that we have to build a platform since publishers expect us to promote our books these days. One suggestion is to write parts of your book or all of it in a series of blogs to create interest in you. On the back of Nina Amir’s book, HOW TO BLOG A BOOK, […]

Give Feelings a Chance to Act

   I read somewhere to give life to abstractions by substituting concrete images that suggest the feeling. I’ve decided to put that advice into practice with every other chapter. The newest one I wrote in revising Chapter One again is about Hada. Instead of saying she felt guilty, I wrote: Guilt pinched at her heart […]

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