Book Recommendation: Lifelike by Peter J. Dudley

Peter J. Dudley’s Lifelike will be released for $.99 on Amazon June 16th. We traded proof copies, Lifelike for Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans, one day a couple weeks ago. I started reading Lifelike and it was the classic page turner. The book is about artistic Jewel who “flees to San Francisco and a […]

Hada’s Fog Chapter Fifteen Is Posted

Hada’s Fog Chapter Fifteen Scene Two is posted. See menu bar above to find it.           The last scene in Chapter Fifteen continues in Lev’s  perspective. His stress is making him ill.  Hada doesn’t believe what Bira told Lev, but when she hears it from Samuel, she wants to scream. Since […]

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