California Writers Club Tri-Valley Branch Meeting

I was able to take off a few hours from work this afternoon to attend the California Writers Club, Tri-Valley Branch Meeting. Lani Longshore led a hands-on mini workshop called “Someone, Something, Somewhere: Short Stories Made Simple.” We wrote for five  minutes with each of her prompts that involved, character, thing, place, inciting incident, story […]

Iambic Group Poem Needs a Title

Here is the Iambic Group Poem, Glen Meisenheimer guided us to produce at the Poetry Workshop last week. There were 12 participants, but we forgot to title it. Any suggestions? The time she waits on none who tarry long Instead she dances t’wards her scheduled end. Ignoring worries; seeking pleasure’s song, She hopes to make […]

Poetry Workshop

I attended a poetry workshop this morning with Julie K. Royce, author of PILZ, Paula Chinick, author of RED ASSCHER, and Carol McLean, poet and essayist.  Glen Meisenheimer demonstrated how to write a poem in anapest and iambic meters. As a group, there were twelve of us, we wrote a joint poem for each and […]

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