Hada’s Fog Chapter Thirteen, Scene One Is Posted

Hada’s Fog Chapter Thirteen, Scene One is Posted (see menu above).       Hada’s restless sleep brings up memories not only of the Thanksgiving Dinner at Samuel’s house, but from the past when she and Lev met. Her present worry about the status of their marriage  prompts the recall of earlier times together when […]

Hada’s Fog Chapter Five: Scene One Posted

Chapter Five: Scene One has been posted on Hada’s Fog page (see Menu Bar above). Hada’s reaction to staying at the Hilton doesn’t faze Lev. We hear Samuel’s voice for the first time in this scene and we observe his bond with Hada. In one of Lev’s previous chapters, Samuel is described as manipulative. We […]

Writers Listen to their Characters

In my Tuesday writing class, we discussed how characters push writers to write their stories. Although I’ve been revising Hada’s Fog for the last six years and the fifteen-year-old in that novel nudges me to write her story, called Lilli, another voice has popped up. Her name is Jill. She’s a CPA who wants to […]

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