William Faulkner Quote About Competing With Yourself

      Nobel laureate William Faulkner believed it was impossible for an author to write a perfect story. He admitted he never was satisfied with his work. It always could be better. In a 1956 interview with Faulkner in The Paris Review, he  said about being a novelist: “Ninety-nine percent talent … ninety-nine percent discipline … […]

William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying

As I Lay Dying is Faulkner’s fifth novel published in 1930. Most of the 59 chapters are short and are narrated by 15 different characters in a stream of consciousness writing technique. He wrote it in six weeks and didn’t change a word of it. It’s considered one of the best novels of 20th-century literature. […]

Are You a William Faulkner Fan?

William Faulkner’s Intruder in the Dust was the book chosen for our reading group’s February novel.  We all agreed it was a difficult style to read. He used little punctuation. The pronoun ‘he’ in his long sentences could mean Chick or Lucas or his uncle or any male in the scene. Within the long, long […]

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