More on Misplaced Modifiers

My last post from Violet’s Vibes had examples of misplaced modifiers. Here a few more from Bonnie Trenga’s book, The Curious Case of the Misplaced Modifier, a Writers Digest Book. She explains that  since a modifier usually describes the nearest noun, when it ends up next to the wrong word, it becomes misplaced. Here are […]

Say that again

Misplaced modifiers sneak into our writing, but if we catch them, they’re good for laughs. Violet tells us about a mustache weighing 150 pounds, a chair tying its shoes, and a dog packing up for college.

Are You Writing a Memoir?

Violet’s Vibes has useful tips for writers. Her July 10th post was titled, “Memoirs–Facts or Fables?” Check it out at  

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