A Teacher Learns Part II

In my last post, I wrote four of the twelve lines regarding a teacher’s classroom experience by Author Unknown titled, “I Didn’t Know”. Here are the next four lines, and tomorrow I’ll post the final four lines. “I didn’t know that I would become such a scavenger, and that teaching materials would feel like pure […]

A Teacher Learns

The author is unknown, but a teacher intern I observed last night gave me 12 comments titled “I Didn’t Know”. They resonated with me since I was a classroom teacher for more than twenty-five years. I’ll post four at a time. I didn’t know that years of school and a college degree would be of […]

Iambic Group Poem Needs a Title

Here is the Iambic Group Poem, Glen Meisenheimer guided us to produce at the Poetry Workshop last week. There were 12 participants, but we forgot to title it. Any suggestions? The time she waits on none who tarry long Instead she dances t’wards her scheduled end. Ignoring worries; seeking pleasure’s song, She hopes to make […]

Contest Winners Chosen

I met with Stacey Gustafson this week to decide the three student writer contest winners in the California Tri-Valley Writers Club competition. We had 29 entries. It was easy to find the seven top stories but hard to put them in order for first, second, their place plus the four honorable mentions. We did it […]

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