Paul Levinson’s The Other Car

The next couple days I might not post since I need to organize my receipts for taxes. I took a break today and read a novella by Paul Levinson called “The Other Car.” It’s available on Kindle for $.99. James Oleson is beginning to see everything in perfect duplicate – two identical models of cars […]

Live Kelly & Michael Show’s Marriage Proposals Topic on ABC

I watch very few TV programs, but I had the Live Kelly & Michael show playing today while I sorted receipts and looked for my tax spreadsheet to fill out before Friday. She gave statistics, which I don’t remember, about how many women were unhappy with their husband’s marriage proposal and wished they could change […]

Pineterest Break

Taxes are done. I like to take quick breaks with Pineterest.  If you like swans, check out my new pins on my Beauty Board at:  Sample is from:  and thank you to  follower Kirsty Anderson on Pineterest for her Swan Board.


Busy with taxes but I’ll post again soon. I’m taking breaks from numbers to edit the class anthology and to plan the paranormal romance featuring Jill, the CPA who falls in love with a time traveling man.  

Taxpertise for Writers

Grace Tam wrote an article in the CWC South Bay branch’s April newsletter. She received the information from Bonnie Lee who spoke at their March meeting. The IRS views writers as professional or hobbyist. “Professional writers write by day and night and can deduct all eligible expenses. Hobbyists have a day job unrelated to writing […]

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