The Missing Place by Sophie Littlefield

On Monday afternoon, our reading group will discuss Sophie Littlefield’s book, The Missing Place. It was my turn to choose a book. I had met Sophie during our Women’s National Book Association event in San Francisco a few months ago, and we met again at Town Center Books in Pleasanton for her book signing. The […]

Smiles in Sophie Littlefield’s The Missing Place

I’m reading Sophie Littlefield’s latest novel, The Missing Place. Colleen and Shay, the mothers whose two sons are missing, have frequent disagreements due to their different backgrounds. Littlefield contrasts these characters in a realistic, sometimes humorous, way.  On page 69, they argue outside about how to proceed with searching for their sons. Shay gives in […]

Overheard Conversations for Writer Inspiration

One of the assignments in a writing class I took several years ago was to listen to a conversation in a restaurant and use it to inspire a story. I choose a few words I overheard by two women who sat at a table near us one evening in Utah. The story I wrote had […]

National Reading Group Month Event October 11, 2014

A National Reading Group Month event is on October 11, 2014 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Books, Inc., Opera Plaza, 601 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco. It’s co-sponsored by Women’s National Book Association, San Francisco Chapter, and Litquake. Three award-winning authors will discuss their new novels over wine and hors d’oeuvres. Katie Crouch discusses […]

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