California Writers Club Tri-Valley Branch First Writers Conference

April 18, 2015 California Writers Club Tri-Valley Branch First Writers Conference was a huge success. Attendees selected sessions in one of three tracks that included Craft, Marketing, and Self Publishing. Four one hour sessions were scheduled for each track. The first session I attended was Craft, “Romance, Crime/Thriller, Young Adult: Essential Elements for Writing in […]

Presenters at CWC Tri-Valley Branch Writers Conference

In my last post, I told about the California Writers Club Tri-Valley Branch Writers Conference in April and the due date for attendees to submit an entry to the contest before the end of this month, January 31st. Four days left to submit one poem and one piece of prose at only $5.00 an entry. […]

Tri-Valley Writers Conference Contest

California Writers Club, Tri-Valley Branch, has a writers conference scheduled for April 18, 2015. Attendees can enter the conference writing contest before January 31st. Here is the link to register: Tri-Valley Writers Conference 2015 It is open to the public, but there’s a limit of 100 spaces. April may seem a long way away, but […]

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