Friends Reconnect At the San Francisco Writers Conference

Photo credit to Cali Gilbert, on the far right, whom I met a few years ago at the SFWC. Read below how a coat connected us.     In the conference volunteer room where we sign in each day, we have a coat rack. At the end of the conference the  year I met Cali, […]

3 Days 3 Quotes Challenge — Day 2

Here it is Day 2 of the 3 Days 3 Quotes Challenge. Thanks again to Erika Kind  from for the invitation to participate. My quote: “The historical novelist gleans the rubble of the past, tastes the grit, extracts the jewels.” Sheila Bali wrote it in her blog post titled “How History Leads to Historic […]

Interview with Writer Sheila Bali

In yesterday’s post, I asked if anyone’s protagonist had a pet. Sheila Bali answered, “Yes, a Westie.”  I didn’t know what a Westie looked like so I found this picture on the internet. Sheila,   this one might not look like yours, but it gives us an image. They are very cute dogs. Sheila Bali has […]

Winners of the Group Poem Contest

Jennifer King, poetry instructor and director of the Downtown Oakland Senior Center, gave us the final vote for the winner of the group poem title contest. The title is ………… “Cadence” by Violet Carr Moore!! I asked for a second and third place designation too. Vi also won the third place for “Time”. Vi is […]

Social Media Workshop

Sheila Bali, author of SHATTERED TEARS FROM MY HOMELAND, and Paula Chinick, author of RED ASSCHER, plan a social media workshop for California Writers Club Tri-Valley Chapter members.

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