John W. Gardner and John C. Gardner Quotes

John W. Gardner, October 8, 1912 to February 16, 2002, was an American statesman. He was a vigorous advocate for social action. John C Gardner born July 21, 1933 in New York, died September 13, 1982 in a motorcycle accident. He was an American novelist, essayist, literary critic, and university professor. Gardner’s novels range from […]

Quote by Charles Chigna

Charles Ghigna is an American poet and author of more than 100 books from Random House, Disney, Hyperion, Scholastic, Simon & Schuster, and more. The themes of his books and poetry reflect a celebration of childhood, as well as a reverence for nature and animals and also humor, holidays, riddles, seasons, school, sports, and the […]

Eudora Welty Quotes

“Characters take on life sometimes by luck, but I suspect it is when you can write more entirely out of yourself, inside the skin, heart, mind, and soul of a person who is not yourself, that a character becomes in his own right another human being on the page.” “Indeed, learning to write may be […]

Quotes for Writers

“The character that lasts is an ordinary guy with some extraordinary qualities.” —Raymond Chandler “When I graduated from high school I couldn’t go to college, so I went to the library 3 days a week for 10 years.” —Ray Bradbury “Good writers define reality. Bad ones, merely restate it.” –Edward Albee

Poetry and Poets Quotes

“If you cannot be a poet, be the poem.” David Carradine “Painting is poetry which is seen and not heard & Poetry is a painting which is heard but not seen.” Leonardo Da Vinci “Poetry is the art which is technically within the grasp of everyone: a piece of paper and a pencil and one […]

Stephen Hawking Quotes

“We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special.” “Life would be tragic if it weren’t funny.” “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. ” “I think computer viruses should count as life … […]

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