Hada’s Fog Chapter Eleven Scene Two Is Posted

Hada’s Fog, my novel that I am blogging, is posted scene-by-scene a couple times a week. The last scene in Chapter Eleven is up today. See menu above. In this chapter, Hada, the protagonist, has a glimmer of the possibility that her husband, Lev, might have a point concerning Samuel’s behavior. The glimmer affects her […]

Book Launch with Home Improvement Stories

Going to a book launch tonight. Julie Rice, author of PILZ, Camille Thompson, and Stacey Gustafson have stories in NOT YOUR MOTHER’S BOOK with the subtitle of Home Improvement. They will be reading from the book and I’m sure it will be fun. All three have a sense of humor that is reflected in their […]

Poetry Contest Winner Update

The first place winners have been selected for my poetry contest with the theme, children. You can view their poems in the New Contest page on the menu of this blog. The Honorable Mention category is still being discussed but will be decided soon. Okay, hear the drum roll? The first place award is a […]

Crime Thriller Free on Kindle Labor Day weekend

J.K. Royce recently published PILZ, a sizzling crime thriller that will be FREE on the Kindle version of Amazondotcom this Labor Day Weekend, August 31-September 2. Royce is a former Michigan Assistant Attorney General whose legal career exposed her to the dark side of the medical profession. PILZ is the name given by drug abusers […]

Thought about Addictions

Lilli and J.K.Royce, author of PILZ, discuss addictions on the page at the top of the blog menu called “Lilli’s Talk and Thoughts”.

Poetry Workshop

I attended a poetry workshop this morning with Julie K. Royce, author of PILZ, Paula Chinick, author of RED ASSCHER, and Carol McLean, poet and essayist.  Glen Meisenheimer demonstrated how to write a poem in anapest and iambic meters. As a group, there were twelve of us, we wrote a joint poem for each and […]

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