Paul Levinson’s Experiment with “The Other Car”

Here is a repost from Paul Levinson’s blog on March 31, 2015. I enjoyed “The Other Car” as an inspiring break from working on my taxes. Since I’m writing a novel about alternate realities, Levinson offered another view of how characters/people could become aware of them. The story is available on Amazon for $.99. The […]

Paul Levinson’s The Other Car

The next couple days I might not post since I need to organize my receipts for taxes. I took a break today and read a novella by Paul Levinson called “The Other Car.” It’s available on Kindle for $.99. James Oleson is beginning to see everything in perfect duplicate – two identical models of cars […]

Interstellar Review

As we headed for the theater door after the movie, Interstellar,  I said to my husband, “I liked it, but the ending was weak.” Today, Paul Levinson wrote an Interstellar review and in his first paragraph, he stated, “Well, until the last 30 or so minutes I’d say it was – a masterpiece in many […]

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