Live Kelly & Michael Show’s Marriage Proposals Topic on ABC

I watch very few TV programs, but I had the Live Kelly & Michael show playing today while I sorted receipts and looked for my tax spreadsheet to fill out before Friday. She gave statistics, which I don’t remember, about how many women were unhappy with their husband’s marriage proposal and wished they could change […]

Back from Europe

On the plane ride to France, I read Cara Black’s Murder in Glichy. Each of her mysteries take place in a different part of Paris. Reading her book and being in two countries for a few days made me want to use European settings for future stories.The Air France Bus I took from the airport […]

Ernest Hemingway’s Quote About Paris

Ernest Hemingway said, “If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a  moveable feast.” I’d like to write a story or a novel set in Paris. I’ve visited there twice and have […]

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