Plan Your Year: Nonfiction Writing Prompt #52 by Nina Amir

Check out Nina Amir’s blog post: Write Nonfiction NOW! Inspiring You to Make a Positive and Meaningful Difference–and a Career–with Your Words Plan Your Year: Nonfiction Writing Prompt #52 – 2016-12-28 03:17:36-05 The most successful nonfiction writers know the value of planning. Whether you are writing a blog post, an essay, an article, or […]

Hada’s Fog Chapter Eighteen Part Two

    Hada’s Fog Chapter Eighteen, Part Two is posted.  See menu above.   Hada complains about Berkeley weather,  “I took off my coat but maybe I should have left it on. This house is freezing cold. It’s worse than New Jersey. More damp. Soaks into your bones.” Her granddaughter tries to make Hada comfortable, […]

Hada’s Fog Chapter Eleven Scene Two Is Posted

Hada’s Fog, my novel that I am blogging, is posted scene-by-scene a couple times a week. The last scene in Chapter Eleven is up today. See menu above. In this chapter, Hada, the protagonist, has a glimmer of the possibility that her husband, Lev, might have a point concerning Samuel’s behavior. The glimmer affects her […]

Hada’s Fog Will Be a Blogged Book

After reading Nina Amir’s book, How to Blog a Book, I’ve decided to blog Hada’s Fog. A new scene or chapter will be posted three times a week. I’ve wanted the drafts I’ve written to be perfect before letting anyone, besides my critique group, read it, but Amir said some people blog a first or […]

Website and Blog

Time to Write Now will be down for a few days while my website master works on my site. I’m not sure when that will happen, but sometime between late next week and August 12th. A new look replaces the row of books and the green background. The blog’s name and link will be the […]

Blogging Books and Book a Blog

Today I listened to a replay of a youtube presentation by Nina Amir and Joel Friedlander. I have Nina’s book titled How to Blog a Book, but this webinar expanded the opportunities that she explained in her book . She has teamed up with Friedlander to package several templates and a guidebook to aid writers […]

San Francisco Writing for Change Conference This Saturday

September 6th, the 6th San Francisco Writing for Change Conference will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Center, Geary @ Franklin from 8:15 to 5:30. The conference theme is “Changing the world one book at a time: writing fiction and nonfiction to make a difference.” The keynote speaker is Adam Hochschild,  “Writing About a Changing […]

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