NaNoWriMo Participants

NaNoWriMo Participants aim to write a 50,000 word novel in November. As the last week of NaNo approaches, how are you all doing? Have you gone to write-ins? Have you gone to the forums on-line? I look forward to the writing frenzy every year. I missed a couple of years, but the five years I […]

What Are You Reading?

Since October is National Reading Group Month, are you in a reading group? I’m not. But if I were, I’d request the group members read The Gravity of Birds, by Tracy Guzeman. Here in the East Bay of San Francisco, the forecast is rain tomorrow, which we need for our drought. It was cloudy and […]

Mysteries at Opera Plaza Event for October National Reading Group Month

Mysteries at Opera Plaza held in San Francisco on October 11th was a huge success. There were 70 attendees at Books, Inc. The three mystery writers, Katie Crouch author of Abroad, Alice LaPlante, author of Circle of Wives, and Sophie Littlefield author of The Missing Place discussed their books. Tracy Guzeman, author of The Gravity […]

National Reading Group Month Event Saturday in S.F.

National Reading Group Month event called Mysteries at Opera Plaza! TheThrill of Shared Reading. October 11, 2014, Saturday, 2:00 to 4:00. Books, Inc., Opera Plaza, 601 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco. Come meet this year’s award-winning mystery authors as they discuss their new novels over wine and hors d’oeuvres catered by Max’s Opera Cafe. Free […]

National Reading Group Month Event October 11, 2014

A National Reading Group Month event is on October 11, 2014 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Books, Inc., Opera Plaza, 601 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco. It’s co-sponsored by Women’s National Book Association, San Francisco Chapter, and Litquake. Three award-winning authors will discuss their new novels over wine and hors d’oeuvres. Katie Crouch discusses […]

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