Oscar Nominees for Best Actor 2015

Oscar nominees for best actor this year are: Benedict Cumberbatch for The Imitation Game Eddie Redmayne for The Theory of Everything Bradley Cooper for American Sniper Steve Carell for Foxcatcher Michael Keaton for Birdman I’ve seen only The Theory of Everything and The Imitation Game. Both Benedict Cumberbatch and Eddie Redmayne were outstanding in their […]

Movie Theaters

For me, the holidays are a time to see a show in a movie theater. Netflix and On Demand etc. are great, but leaving the house to go to a theater is a treat. This year, we saw the Imitation Game and Big Eyes. We might go to a couple more movies before 2015. Benedict […]

Ransom Stephens The God Patent

A movie producer talked with Ransom Stephens on the phone for an hour and a half about THE GOD PATENT, Ransom’s book that was published before THE SENSORY DECEPTION. The producer loved THE GOD PATENT and did most of the talking…fast. Ransom says he doesn’t know what it means yet. I’m hoping both books will […]

A Character’s Life

In MAKE YOUR WORDS WORK, Gary Provost suggests writers show that the  main character has lived a life before the present time.  We have to avoid blocks of information by using backstory sprinkles, but how do we show that our characters go to movies, admire a high school teacher, or have  friends in Antarctica? Those […]

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