A Motif in Hada’s Fog

  The segment that ends Chapter One in Hada’s Fog is entered. You can go to the above menu, click on Hada’s Fog. Chapter One, Scene Two is first. Hada’s footwear is a motif in the novel.  She dresses up for traveling, but her blue shoes hurt her swollen feet. She tries to hide the […]

A Motif in Norman in the Painting

Foo dogs are a motif in my novel Norman in the Painting. Here is an excerpt from Chapter One. Jill meets Norman for the first time when he appears in the antique shop and asks Jill what she is holding. She answers foo dogs and he wants to more about them: “They are believed to […]


What is the difference between motif and theme?  A motif in narrative is a recurring element throughout a literary work. A motif can be an image, words, an object, a sound, color, or ideas. A motif is not a symbol. A symbol represents something, for example, a light bulb means “new idea”. Often symbols occur […]

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