Author Chat: Jenna Barwin – via 5 PHOTOS on Mundus Media Ink

Michelle Rene Goodhew at Mundus Media Ink posted an author chat with Jenna Barwin. Click here. I liked how the five photos emphasized the chat responses, for instance, the prompt:   “Something that represents something unique about you.” Barwin’s answer, “I shoot underwater photography. Recently, I considered whether there was a link between the sea […]

Book, Book, and Blog Updates

I’ve been busy preparing  my new book, Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans, for publication, which didn’t leave much time for posting. The cover is done, thanks to Michelle Rene Goodhew at I worked on a short glossary of terms today and added a new essay by P. C. Chinick, author of the Red […]

Need Feedback on My New Book Cover Title

This cover is the working draft by artist Michelle Rene Goodhew for my new book available in a few weeks. The part that still needs work is the title. The book is  for entrepreneurs who want to improve their presentations with interspersing life experiences. The essays were written by writer friends. In the introduction to […]

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