The Earthquakes in the Protagonist’s Ordinary World

Lisa Cron in Wired for Story on page 130, uses the analogy of earthquake fissures that lead to the big one in the life of the protagonist. The “first hairline crack and its resulting offshoots are like fault lines, running through the center of the protagonist’s world, undermining everything. As with an earthquake, the cracks […]

Quote from Wired for Story About Conflict

Lisa Cron, on page 129 in Wired for Story, talks about obstacles to block the protagonist’s goals . She states “Obstacles mean nothing unless, beneath the surface, the seeds of that conflict are present from the outset, as they begin pushing their tender shoots through the soil in search of the sun.” I thought about […]

Wired for Story Quotes

Lisa Cron in Wired for Story has a “Story Secret” on page 103. She says, “Anything conceptual, abstract, or general must be made tangible in the protagonist’s specific struggle.” On the following page, she quotes E.B. White, “Advice to young writers who want to get ahead without any annoying delays: don’t write about Man, write […]

Wired for Story by Lisa Cron

In Wired for Story, on page 31, Lisa Cron corrects the myth that the plot is simply what the story is about. She says that the reality is, “A story is about how the plot affects the protagonist.” She continues on page 39 that “the plot’s goal isn’t simply to find out whether he snags […]

Wired for Story by Lisa Cron

In the morning writing class I teach, we are using Wired for Story by Lisa Cron as a text book for discussion in class. The subtitle is The Writer’s Guide to Using Brain Science to Hook Readers from the Very First Sentence. In the Introduction, page 2, Cron states: “Our neural circuitry is designed to […]

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