Awards Weekend

Saturday, we, the Tri-Valley Writers Club, will be handing out awards to the winners of our high school students’ writing contest. I was on the short story committee and we selected first, second, and third winners. Sunday, I’m invited to join the writers whose stories were selected to be in Las Positas College’s annual anthology. […]

Published in Las Positas College Anthology

Jordan Bernal, Stacey Gustafson, and I are holding copies of the Las Positas’ anthology called, ALL THAT REMAINS. My short story, “Stepping Stones”, Stacey’s humorous two essays, “He’s Not That into Me” and “Hair Today Gone Tomorrow”, and Jordan’s two poems, “Get Off the Road”, and “Dreams” were published in the book.

Story accepted in Las Positas College Anthology

My fiction story, “Stepping Stones”, has been accepted in the Las Positas College Anthology. It’s a story about a large gold mirror that reflects Willy and his family during his lifetime. I surprised myself with the voice that came through for the narrator. It’s not my usual writing style. The book will be available at […]

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