Using Fog in Writing

I like fog, however, last night as a few hundred people claimed their spot at the Emeryville shoreline park at about 6:00, a thin layer of fog threatened to block the sunset and promised to become thicker. Our friends from Sacramento who own a boat docked at the Emeryville harbor invited us to join them […]

Happy Mother's' Day

Whether you have children, nieces, nephews, dogs, cats, birds, fish, or tarantula,  you are a special super power woman. Enjoy your day.

Happy Mother’s’ Day

Whether you have children, nieces, nephews, dogs, cats, birds, fish, or tarantula,  you are a special super power woman. Enjoy your day.

What Did You Do New Years Day?

What did you do on this auspicious first day of 2015? As you can see, I was floating under the Golden Gate Bridge…in a boat, of course. A friend of ours bought a 35 foot motor boat recently and he invited us to join him, his girlfriend, and his experienced sailor friend for the first […]

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all my family, friends, fellow writers and bloggers. Wishing everyone excellent health, joy, love, and success.

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