Basho Haiku

Matsuo Munefusa (Basho), 1644 — 1694, became well known in the intellectual Edo part of  Japan, which is now modern Tokyo. He had a future in the military since he was born into a samurai family, but he preferred to live in poverty as a wanderer. At times he’d return to a hut made of […]

Senryu, Similar to Haiku

The Shadow Poetry link explains the differences between Haiku and Senryu.  Kathy Lippard Cobb wrote the information and included samples of each. She states that senryu deals with human nature, satire, humor, and political issues. Debates about what is or is not senryu is confusing. When poets submit a poem that could be haiku […]

Haiku Samples

Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry. It is comprised of 3 phrases. Traditional haiku form is a total of 17 syllables with the first line having 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the last line has 5. The one on the far left by Earle J. Stone follows the traditional pattern. […]

Haiku Andy on Christmas Day

Haiku Andy sends a Haiku a day if you sign up on his site haikuandydotcom  Today’s was: trees at night I tiptoe around the silence Peace to all of you on this Christmas Day.

Haiku Andy About the Ocean

I receive a haiku a day from Haiku Andy and you can too by signing up at The following one made me laugh. smelling the ocean as I leave the house (like I might forget)   I’m in the suburbs of San Francisco, not close to the ocean, but reading the Haiku, I could […]

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