Dill Pickle Popcorn to Add to Story Lines

  I shopped at  Trader Joe’s today. The store featured dill pickle popcorn. The sample tasted good so I bought two bags since our college-aged daughter, Ariana, is living with us during her freshman and sophomore years. She has liked pickles since she was little.  Of course, I checked the ingredients and the flavor is […]

Sign Up Isn’t Ready But Hada’s Fog First Installment is Posted

Welcome to my remodeled website/blog which is still under construction. We ran into a minor glitch with the sign up.  My webmaster, Paula, left for business travel and as soon as she returns, she will fix it.  As it is now, you sign up but it doesn’t register and you don’t receive the Time to […]

Hada’s Fog Will Be a Blogged Book

After reading Nina Amir’s book, How to Blog a Book, I’ve decided to blog Hada’s Fog. A new scene or chapter will be posted three times a week. I’ve wanted the drafts I’ve written to be perfect before letting anyone, besides my critique group, read it, but Amir said some people blog a first or […]

What Kind of Apple Does Your Character Like?

What kind of apple does your character like? The preference might not seem important but it adds the sense of taste and personalizes your character. It’s a detail that can add  some depth. Another point to consider is the popularity of different apple varieties over the last few decades. Red Delicious was the top choice […]

National Novel Writing Month

National Novel Writing Month, known as NaNoWriMo, has started on November 1st. The goal is to write a 50,000-word novel in one month. Writers turn off the inner editor and put other projects on hold to be able to meet the word count by the ending date of 11:59 PM on November 30th. The novel […]

Scrivener for Pantsers and Plotters?

As we organized the stories in my anthology, Written Across the Genres, my great assistant, Linda Todd, used Scrivener. I bought a copy, took a tutorial, and realized there are several other tutorials available. How to use Scrivener looked manageable as I watched the video, but I’ve procrastinated because of the time involved with the […]

Quote from Wired for Story About Conflict

Lisa Cron, on page 129 in Wired for Story, talks about obstacles to block the protagonist’s goals . She states “Obstacles mean nothing unless, beneath the surface, the seeds of that conflict are present from the outset, as they begin pushing their tender shoots through the soil in search of the sun.” I thought about […]

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