Hada’s Fog Chapter Twelve Is Posted

Hada’s Fog, Chapter Twelve, Scene One is posted, see menu above. Lev meets Laurence Gottfried Esq. who, in Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey, is the ally/helper in Hada’s story. Since Gottfried is a retired attorney, we learn why he is determined to help Abe.           FYI  On this site I had […]

Hada’s Fog Chapter Eleven Scene Two Is Posted

Hada’s Fog, my novel that I am blogging, is posted scene-by-scene a couple times a week. The last scene in Chapter Eleven is up today. See menu above. In this chapter, Hada, the protagonist, has a glimmer of the possibility that her husband, Lev, might have a point concerning Samuel’s behavior. The glimmer affects her […]

Hada’s Fog Chapter Eleven, Scene One is Posted

Hada’s Fog Chapter Eleven, Scene One is posted. Please see the menu above, click and scroll down to the beginning or to where you left off. Hada continues to defend Samuel, her first-born. In case you missed my post about gender and birth order of characters’ siblings, the link is below. That explanation goes for […]

External and Internal Conflict in Writing Fiction

  Chapter Five, Scene two is posted on Hada’s Fog today. See Hada’s page on the menu above. In previous chapters we learned about Hada’s external conflict and goal. She didn’t want to leave her quiet retirement in New Jersey. Her goal is to return as soon as possible. After they’ve arrived in California and […]

Hada’s Fog Chapter Five: Scene One Posted

Chapter Five: Scene One has been posted on Hada’s Fog page (see Menu Bar above). Hada’s reaction to staying at the Hilton doesn’t faze Lev. We hear Samuel’s voice for the first time in this scene and we observe his bond with Hada. In one of Lev’s previous chapters, Samuel is described as manipulative. We […]

Inciting Incidents in Hada’s Fog

Chapter Four: Scene Two of Hada’s Fog is posted now. In Chapter One, flying to California for a lengthy stay to resolve their sons’ disagreement is the inciting incident for Hada. It jump-starts the plot and changes her world. It stirs up trouble in her marriage. Her strong objection changes the status quo and jolts […]

Universal Themes Used in Fiction

Chapter 4: Scene One is posted on the Hada’s Fog Page today. (See Menu Bar above.) Often, stories are based on biblical plots or mythical themes. If they are not planned on purpose, the connection reveals itself after the story is written. When I started Hada’s Fog, I didn’t have a well-known theme in mind, […]

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