Launch Day Approaches

Tuesday is the new design launch for Time to Write Now. My webmaster, Paula Gregorowicz, asked me not to post tomorrow, Monday, and Tuesday so she can make the transfer from the old to the new.  All my previous posts will  be available as always. The menu bar and banner will be different. I’ll have […]

Quote and Submissions Request for CHOICES, An Anthology

“Sometimes in the waves of change we find our true direction.”   Unknown This quote was on Facebook by my friend, Frances Caballo.  I’m posting it because I like it but also as a reminder to those of you who would like to submit to my next anthology with the theme Choices. Short stories and […]

Frances Caballo Book on Social Media

Social Media can be overwhelming, it still is for me. I’ve found Frances Caballo’s book, Social Media Just for Writers, The Best Online Marketing Tips for Selling Your Books, helpful. It’s an interesting read compared to some books I’ve checked out on the topic. It doesn’t make the overwhelm any easier, but at least I […]

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