Science Fiction Novels and Short Stories W. Blake Heitzman is a prolific science fiction writer who includes “a dash of science and technology, along with a smattering of history and paranormal topics in his writing.” He is currently working on The Shaman Gene series, the story of Earth’s rise to join galactic society. A Far Traveler, is the first in […]

Flash Fiction Dragon Needs a Name

I’m writing a flash fiction story with a dragon in it. He’s a good dragon and the protagonist will be a dragon rider. I imagine him to be similar to this picture. I’d like to get some ideas on what to call him. Any thoughts for a name? Thanks to Jordan Bernal, author of The […]

Flash Fiction Book, UP, DO

Patricia Flaherty Pagan edited Up, Do, an anthology of thirty-three flash stories by award-winning and emerging writers. The four categories are “Our Hearts”, “Our Bodies”, “Our possible Futures”, and “Our Dreams; Our nightmares.” In the Introduction, Pagan writes: “I subscribe to the theory that flash fiction is like a geode of a larger narrative. Slicing […]

Western Short Story Contest Decisions Delayed

Four entries to my Western short story contest have the two judges at opposite ends of  choosing a winner. I asked them to categorize the flash stories from one to four and they each had a totally different list. I’m looking for another judge to break the unusual results.

New Flash Western Short Story contest due October 25, 2013

The new Flash Western Short Story Contest guidelines are posted.  See the page on the top menu bar. The due date is October 25th since the winning entry will be published in my anthology, A CLASS OF MUSES. The book is going to press the end of this month.  Please check out Wikipedia’s explanation of […]

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