A Story from Coming of Age Croneicles by Ann Winfred

My friend, Ann Winfred in Texas writes poignant stories. Here is one I reblogged from her site:  http://comingofagecroneicles.com/house-on-the-monte/ House on the Monte by Ann Winfred When my editor at the CACTUS SUN TIMES suggested I cover the demolition of the old Carson house, I jumped at the chance to escape the office. I called my […]

Community — A Poem on Coming of Age Croneicles

Re-blogged from: Community – A Poem Community – A Poem by Ann Winfred from Coming of Age Croneicles             In bygone days, Neighborhood folks gathered on porches Touched the world and each other Nodding, smiling, calling out. Sprinklers caught sunlight in rainbows. – In bygone days, Inner-city folks gathered on […]

Solve Writer’s Block and the Sagging Middle of a Novel

My previous post told how I was stuck in the sagging middle of my novel. I didn’t know how to get back into the rhythm after three months of writing Ekphrasis prose and poetry due the end of December. I’d imagined several ways to begin Chapter 15 and didn’t like any of the options. For […]

Croneicles Bats in Our Belfries

My friend, Ann Winfred, wrote “Bats in Our Belfries”, an inspiration to get rid of clutter. So inspiring that I sit here surrounded with bags and boxes I removed from my family room closet to make room for paintings that are in the garage. Since I spent all day with the closet, I needed a […]

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