Character’s Trust Gone Wrong

The best way you can find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them. ~ Ernest Hemingway This quote from Hemingway made me think about the characters in my novel, HADA’S FOG. Hada trusted the wrong person throughout the plot. Is trust an issue in your WIP?

Game for Novelists

My last Facebook entry has a an excerpt from Hada’s Fog for a game novelists can play. Check it out:

Character Goals

A New Year brings thoughts of improvement, creating resolutions, determination to stick with them. What about your characters?  What are their goals? Major? Minor?  Make a note of them and check back in three months, six months, or just before your novel goes to the publisher. Did the goals change?  How many were accomplished? The […]

Character Tip

Monica Wood offers us a writing tip: “If your main character is eluding you, have her write a letter to the editor.” What is on her or his mind?

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