George Bernard Shaw Quote

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” George Bernard Shaw As writers, we can use that problem between our characters.

Carl Jung Quote

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances if there is any reaction, both are transformed. Carl Jung Jung’s quote is a nice visual for character writing.

A Character’s Life

In MAKE YOUR WORDS WORK, Gary Provost suggests writers show that the  main character has lived a life before the present time.  We have to avoid blocks of information by using backstory sprinkles, but how do we show that our characters go to movies, admire a high school teacher, or have  friends in Antarctica? Those […]

Critique Partners Chat

Tri-Valley Writers Club members, Jordan Bernal, author of THE KEEPERS OF EIRE and Lani Longshore, author of DEATH BY CHENILLE, chat after the April meeting. The critique partners worked with each other’s characters that involved dragons, criminals, and the new genre, Quilting Sci-Fi.

Characters’ Actions Define Them

Thomas Jefferson’s quote applies to the characters we develop as well. When we writers show how the characters take action, the readers know them on a deeper level and keep turning the pages. “Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act. Action will delineate and define you.”   ~Thomas Jefferson

Character Paradox

All people are paradoxical. No one is easily reducible, so I like characters who have contradictory impulses or shades of ambiguity. It’s fun, and it’s fun because it’s hard.  – Edward Norton Actor

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