The Earthquakes in the Protagonist’s Ordinary World

Lisa Cron in Wired for Story on page 130, uses the analogy of earthquake fissures that lead to the big one in the life of the protagonist. The “first hairline crack and its resulting offshoots are like fault lines, running through the center of the protagonist’s world, undermining everything. As with an earthquake, the cracks […]

Adriane Nichols Talked about Connecting

At Jessica Barksdale Inclan’s two-day retreat, I was happy to see L.A. actress and life coach, Adriane Nichols again. We both have attended Jessica’s workshops three times. When Jessica gave us time to write, I found the deck off of the kitchen with no one else there. I wrote the beginning of Chapter Five for […]

Character Becomes Alive

About ten years ago, I wrote a short story about a character that loved ambrosia. I titled the story “Ambrosia”. Yesterday, I saw, in real life, the character who was a real person, eating ambrosia. Her physical appearance and movements as she ate it were identical to my character.  The plot didn’t manifest, not yet […]

Thought about Addictions

Lilli and J.K.Royce, author of PILZ, discuss addictions on the page at the top of the blog menu called “Lilli’s Talk and Thoughts”.

What’s in the Background of your Scenes?

Jordan E. Rosenfeld’s book, MAKE A SCENE, offers many writing tips. I particularly liked her paragraphs about Foreground and Background. She says that like paintings, scenes can have backgrounds, but she meant more than setting. Plant “subtle messages and emotional layers in the background through actions” while the reader’s attention is on what’s happening in […]

Characters Demand Attention

Haikuandydotcom sends a daily Haiku if you sign up for it. Today’s makes a good writing prompt. chinese restaurant the future manager refills our water Makes me wonder about the future manager. Does he/she know about the future promotion? How long will it take? What is the character like, kind or ruthless? Is there an […]

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