Novel Revisions

I’m preparing for a garage sale scheduled in two days and I’m revising 10,000 words of my novel due for a contest on the same day. Actually, taking breaks from boxes of stuff to files on the computer made multitasking a good thing. One more day to get it all done.

Does Your Protagonist Have a Pet?

My Norman in the Painting protagonist, Jill Steele, has a female SiameseĀ  cat that she named Rocky. Jill enjoys her cat’s company but when trouble starts on Main Street, Rocky is on her own for longer hours. At the end of the novel, Jill will have to make a big decision regarding Rocky. Not a […]


My story called “Cat Therapy” that will be published in NOT YOUR MOTHER’S BOOK…ON CATS is about my Russian Blue breed, Susa (one of her many names). She is in her senior years and very thin. At the Farmers Market today, I found a new cat food for her and she loves it. The seller […]

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