Quotes About Writing

 Catherine Brady says in Story Logic and the Craft of Fiction, “Rather than reduce motive to a single explanation, the real problem you face is to compound motive rather than declare it–To know how not to know.”   Gertrude Stein once said of the writing process, “It will come if it is there and if […]

Revision and Subtext in Writing

In my writing class, we have finished studying Wired for Story. We have gone on to Catherine Brady’s Story Logic and the Craft of Fiction. Revision is always a topic in class and as I read Brady’s Chapter 4, p.68, I appreciated her statement: “Revision is not engine repair; it’s not possible to lift out […]

Story Idea-Welded-to-Emotion

My last post addressed story ideas and how to write down the ones that come to you before the idea disappears. This post will look at idea in more depth. In Catherine Brady’s book Story Logic and the Craft of Fiction, she states that a writer can discover the right plot for an idea. “But […]

Catherine Brady’s Story Logic and the Craft of Fiction

A couple years ago, Catherine Brady spoke at the California Writers Club, Tri-Valley Branch meeting. She impressed me and I bought her book, Story Logic and the Craft of Fiction. I highly recommend it as an indepth study for the craft of writing. Brady is the author of three story collections. Her Curled in the […]

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