Carole MacLean from Fuzzy Red Socks Retreats Has An Essay in New Book

Carole MacLean’s essay, “A New Season”,  is in my book, Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans that will launch on May 31st. She uses football as a framework for her story about her parents. She begins with the Super Bowl and ends with a reference to coaches. Loyalty on many levels flows throughout the essay […]

How to Create an Emotional Bond with Audiences and Readers

Gary Lea’s essay called “Too Small” is published in Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans, which will be launched May 31st as an eBook and later a print book. His story is about grief, resistance, and emotional growth.  Lea created scenes  and bookended the essay with sensory details. It’s a good example of how to […]

Meetings With Writers Linda Todd and Peter Dudley And Trading Books

  Trading books created Friday Fun today.  I met Linda Todd, my patient editor, writer, and dear friend at Panera’s in Alamo where we discussed writing, editing, critique groups, traveling, and recuperating among other topics. She turned over one of the proof copies of Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans, which she used for our […]

Author Chat: Jenna Barwin – via 5 PHOTOS on Mundus Media Ink

Michelle Rene Goodhew at Mundus Media Ink posted an author chat with Jenna Barwin. Click here. I liked how the five photos emphasized the chat responses, for instance, the prompt:   “Something that represents something unique about you.” Barwin’s answer, “I shoot underwater photography. Recently, I considered whether there was a link between the sea […]

Quote From Wayne Burgraff VS. Mark Twain Quote

At 2:35 today, I sent the manuscript for my new book, Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans to the press. Here is a quote that I deleted as I went over the final draft. I had several quotes and this one was the easiest to delete. Important quote but it’s not quite to my point. […]

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