Women’s National Book Association Inc.

National Reading Group Month – 2015 By Kate Farrell An Atmospheric Afternoon: Five authors of must-read novels! Saturday October 10, 2015 2:00 – 4:00 pm Books, Inc., Opera Plaza 601 Van Ness Ave., SF 94107 FREE and Open to the Public Come meet our authors as they discuss their captivating novels over wine and snacks […]

Author Sue Monk Kidd Quotes

Sue Monk Kidd’s The Invention of Wings has won the 2015 SIBA Book Award for Fiction. Nominated by Southern indie booksellers and readers and selected by a jury of Southern booksellers, SIBA Book Award winners “represent the best of Southern literature.” Sue Monk Kidd attended the Sarah and Angelina Grimke Day on May 5, 2015 […]

Meet Your Happy Chemicals by Loretta Graziano Breuning, PhD

I ordered this book, Meet Your Happy Chemicals by Loretta Graziano Breuning, PhD. The following is a summary of what the back book cover states about four brain chemicals. I thought learning about the chemicals would be useful in showing how our POV character or the antagonist could be deficient in one or more of […]

Flash Fiction Book, UP, DO

Patricia Flaherty Pagan edited Up, Do, an anthology of thirty-three flash stories by award-winning and emerging writers. The four categories are “Our Hearts”, “Our Bodies”, “Our possible Futures”, and “Our Dreams; Our nightmares.” In the Introduction, Pagan writes: “I subscribe to the theory that flash fiction is like a geode of a larger narrative. Slicing […]

What Are You Reading?

Since October is National Reading Group Month, are you in a reading group? I’m not. But if I were, I’d request the group members read The Gravity of Birds, by Tracy Guzeman. Here in the East Bay of San Francisco, the forecast is rain tomorrow, which we need for our drought. It was cloudy and […]

Interview with Jordan Bernal

Jordan Bernal is president of The California Writers Club, Tri-Valley Writers Chapter. She has won awards for her recently published novel, The Keepers of Eire, and has several stories and poems in various publications. In my anthology, Written Across the Genres, Jordan has an essay titled “Reflections”, a poem called “Dreams”,  and a novel excerpt […]

Ransom Stephens The God Patent

A movie producer talked with Ransom Stephens on the phone for an hour and a half about THE GOD PATENT, Ransom’s book that was published before THE SENSORY DECEPTION. The producer loved THE GOD PATENT and did most of the talking…fast. Ransom says he doesn’t know what it means yet. I’m hoping both books will […]

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