Revision: A Creative Approach to Writing and Rewriting Fiction by Kaplan

A dear writer friend of mine sent me David Michael Kaplan’s book called Revision; A Creative Approach to Writing and Rewriting Fiction. On page 5, he compares writers to musicians. A cellist or bel canto singer might have talent and craft, but without endless hours of practice. . . he’ll never get to Carnegie Hall.” Writers […]

Weather in Fiction Can Create Sensory Disadvantage

One of my Facebook friends,Cynthia Helen Beecher read my post, “Using Fog in Writing” and told me about Oregon author, James Boyle, who had a reading in Healdsburg recently.  Fog is one of the characters in his trilogy. I became a FB friend with him and in our chat, he said “Fog is a nice […]

Writers' Prompt from Jack Heffron

The Writer’s Idea Book by Jack Heffron includes more than 800 prompts. I randomly opened the book to “Chapter Fourteen: Your Fifteen Minutes.” Each chapter begins with a famous writer’s quote. Chateaubriand was assigned this chapter with: “Let us not be too scornful of fame: nothing is lovelier, unless it be virtue.” Heffron was a […]

Writers’ Prompt from Jack Heffron

The Writer’s Idea Book by Jack Heffron includes more than 800 prompts. I randomly opened the book to “Chapter Fourteen: Your Fifteen Minutes.” Each chapter begins with a famous writer’s quote. Chateaubriand was assigned this chapter with: “Let us not be too scornful of fame: nothing is lovelier, unless it be virtue.” Heffron was a […]

Aegean Dream by Dario Ciriello

Aegean Dream by Dario Ciriello is the book we are reading this month in our reading group. It’s a true story set on Greece’s real “Mamma Mia” island of Skopelos. Amazon’s description is: Comic and tragic by turns, Aegean Dream is a story of love, resilience, and the power of friendship. A compelling window on […]

Thomas Oppong's Book A SMART NEW MIND

Thomas Oppong’s book, A Smarter New Mind: What You Can Do Every Day to Get Smarter, sounds  interesting. On his website you can read  an excerpt from his book that summarizes 8  things you can do every day to get smarter. My favorite is “Reflect on your learning by blogging.” A couple others are, […]

Thomas Oppong’s Book A SMART NEW MIND

Thomas Oppong’s book, A Smarter New Mind: What You Can Do Every Day to Get Smarter, sounds  interesting. On his website you can read  an excerpt from his book that summarizes 8  things you can do every day to get smarter. My favorite is “Reflect on your learning by blogging.” A couple others are, […]

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