Book Recommendation Ardent Spirit by J. K. Royce

Julie Royce gave a copy of her book, Ardent Spirit, to a mutual friend. About a month later, I gave the same friend a copy of my book, Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans. The friend is on staff where I teach my writing classes. She was happy Julie and I shared our books with […]

Book Recommendation: Lifelike by Peter J. Dudley

Peter J. Dudley’s Lifelike will be released for $.99 on Amazon June 16th. We traded proof copies, Lifelike for Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans, one day a couple weeks ago. I started reading Lifelike and it was the classic page turner. The book is about artistic Jewel who “flees to San Francisco and a […]

Do You Want To Be Notorious? Ask Sue Monk Kidd

When I receive books in the mail that I’ve ordered, I scrutinize the cover, front and back, and then randomly open the book. Sue Monk Kidd’s Firstlight arrived today. I landed on page 41. Kidd describes how a woman said to her, “When I turn fifty, I want to become notorious.” Kidd asked her “Notorious […]

Elizabeth Strout Talks About Writing and The Burgess Boys Hear Elizabeth Strout, Pulitzer Prize winning author, talk about her recent book, The Burgess Boys. I have read all of her books except this one.  Abide with Me and Amy and Isabelle are my two favorites. She won the Pulitzer Prize for Olive Kitteridge.  In this video, she talks about how and where she […]

Elizabeth Strout’s Amy and Isabelle and Ann Winfred’s Replica

Elizabeth Strout is one of my favorite authors. Olive Kitteridge and Abide with Me have memorable characters and settings that feel as if I’ve been there. Her debut novel published in 1998, Amy and Isabelle, is my favorite. The back cover describes the story: “In most ways, Isabelle and Amy are like any mother and […]

Elle Luna’s Book and Creative Mornings Talk

I am a fan of TED talks and this evening I found Creative Morning Talks featuring Elle Luna. Here is the link. It’s 30 minutes and worth every second. If you’d rather read the concept of “the crossroads” the above amazon link will take you to her book. Let me know what you […]

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