Hada’s Fog Chapter Eighteen Part Two

    Hada’s Fog Chapter Eighteen, Part Two is posted.  See menu above.   Hada complains about Berkeley weather,  “I took off my coat but maybe I should have left it on. This house is freezing cold. It’s worse than New Jersey. More damp. Soaks into your bones.” Her granddaughter tries to make Hada comfortable, […]

Chapter Fifteen In Hada’s Fog Is Posted

Chapter Fifteen in Hada’s Fog is posted. See the menu above for the book’s page.   I did not post Chapter 16 because I’ve made it a short story that I submitted for publication and I don’t want it to be rejected because I posted it here. A quick summary is that Hada shops in […]

The End of Chapter Thirteen In Hada’s Fog Is Posted

Hada’s Fog, the last half of Chapter Thirteen is posted. See menu above. Lev and Samuel disagree about Samuel’s involvement with Abe’s son, Jacob. Hada, as always, takes Samuel’s side and thinks he is generous in helping Nissa.   For Jacob’s sake, who do you think is right?     Julaina Kleist-Corwin Editor of Written […]

Hada’s Fog Chapter 12, Scene 2 Has Been Posted

  I have posted Chapter 12, Scene 2 in Hada’s Fog. See menu above. Hada’s grandchildren, Esther and Judi, are minor characters yet their actions move the plot along. They appear in previous scenes and in this one for the reader to know their personalities and to care about them in future scenes when they […]

Hada’s Fog Will Be a Blogged Book

After reading Nina Amir’s book, How to Blog a Book, I’ve decided to blog Hada’s Fog. A new scene or chapter will be posted three times a week. I’ve wanted the drafts I’ve written to be perfect before letting anyone, besides my critique group, read it, but Amir said some people blog a first or […]

Blogging Books and Book a Blog

Today I listened to a replay of a youtube presentation by Nina Amir and Joel Friedlander. I have Nina’s book titled How to Blog a Book, but this webinar expanded the opportunities that she explained in her book . She has teamed up with Friedlander to package several templates and a guidebook to aid writers […]

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