Working With People I Admire

The San Francisco Writers Conference has Richard and Barbara Santos industriously working behind the scenes before, during, and after the conference. They’ve helpedĀ  the directors and co-founders, Michael Larsen and Elizabeth Pomada, since the early days when the conference was held in Hawaii. My job is Registration Manager and when I have a problem, I […]

Anthology Panel at the San Francisco Writers Conference

At the San Francisco Writers Conference, I spoke on a panel with Camille Cusumano and Kate Farrell. We discussed our different experiences with putting together an anthology. Camille is the editor of four literary travel anthologies and Kate co-edited Times They were A-Changing: Women Remember the 60’s & 70’s. As you can see I talked […]

San Francisco Bay Bridge January 19, 2014

After the San Francisco Writers Conference volunteer meeting, we went to dinner at the Delancey Street Restaurant with a view of the S.F. Bay Bridge. Nice dinner with enthusiastic talk about the up-coming S.F. Writers Conference, February 13th through the 16th. Michael Larsen and Elizabeth Pomada work hard to provide the best writers conference for […]

Anthology Help from Barbara Santos

I had lunch today with Rich and Barbara Santos, friends from the San Francisco Writers Conference. Barbara co-authored the anthology, Practice Aloha, with Mark Ellman. It includes stories by Wayne Dyer, Mick Fleetwood, Gov. Neil Abercrombie, Hawaiian spiritual leaders, musicians, and lots of chefs. She had several suggestions for my anthology that I hope […]

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