Winners of the Western Flash Contest

We did it! After the two judges of the Western Flash Contest had opposing winners chosen, I took the four submissions to the members of my writing classes to participate in the judging process. The first place winner is Jeremy Milburn for “The East Coast Dandy”. Congratulations, Jeremy. Please email me so we can get […]

Interview Questions

I’d like to include interviews with the writers whose work will be published in A CLASS OF MUSES. As a reader what would you like to know about them?  I want to keep it to three questions. Could you give me feedback on what you think are the three best questions? Or if there is […]

Flash Short Story Contest Next

As soon as the poetry contest Honorable Mentions are announced, I will move the poems about children to the Archive page and announce the new contest. Since it has a due date of October 15th, I want to give your muse time to formulate an entry. I need a submission for my anthology, tentatively called […]

Published in Las Positas College Anthology

Jordan Bernal, Stacey Gustafson, and I are holding copies of the Las Positas’ anthology called, ALL THAT REMAINS. My short story, “Stepping Stones”, Stacey’s humorous two essays, “He’s Not That into Me” and “Hair Today Gone Tomorrow”, and Jordan’s two poems, “Get Off the Road”, and “Dreams” were published in the book.

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