Paranormal Novel

Now that WRITTEN ACROSS THE GENRES is published and my next anthology with the theme Choices isn’t ready yet, I wondered which novel to finish. HADA’S FOG needs a seventh draft but I need to let it sit a while longer. I want to write something new. I pulled out my paranormal draft that I […]

Las Positas Anthology Celebration

George Cramer, Marilyn Slade, Judy Lussie, and Julaina Kleist-Corwin at the celebration for PAGES BETWEEN, Las Positas College 2014 anthology. Titles of their short stories and Marilyn’s poem that were published are: “Too Scared” by George Cramer “How Many Years Ago Was That” by Marilyn Slade “Ryoichi’s Stepmother” by Judy Lussie “George W. Did It” […]


Celebrating the high school students who win awards in the Tri-Valley Writers Club’s short story contest. Also, Congratulations to the writers whose entries were included in Las Positas College’s anthology this year.

Written Across the Genres Author Interview

Emily De Falla’s interview continues from my April 15th post. Her Western flash story, “The New Ranch Hand”, and her essay, “You’re Going to be on Art Linkletter”, are in my anthology, Written Across the Genres. I asked Emily to name a favorite author, why she writes and where, and what she is working on […]

Written Across the Genres Reading Event at Bay Books

The Written Across the Genres reading/book signing event at Bay Books on Monday was a success. The store sold out on the copies we had to sell.  About 20 people were there and many writers read their short stories/essays/poems. Feedback from people who have purchased the book is very positive. Everyone has different favorites, which […]

Anthology Panel at the San Francisco Writers Conference

At the San Francisco Writers Conference, I spoke on a panel with Camille Cusumano and Kate Farrell. We discussed our different experiences with putting together an anthology. Camille is the editor of four literary travel anthologies and Kate co-edited Times They were A-Changing: Women Remember the 60’s & 70’s. As you can see I talked […]

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