California Writers Club Tri-Valley Branch Members’ Books in Library

California Writers Club Tri-Valley Branch members’ books are displayed this month at the Pleasanton Library. My anthology, Written Across the Genres, is on the top shelf to the left. I’m working on having a copy for check out in as many libraries as possible but it is a long process. So far, Written Across the […]

Interview with Jordan Bernal

Jordan Bernal is president of The California Writers Club, Tri-Valley Writers Chapter. She has won awards for her recently published novel, The Keepers of Eire, and has several stories and poems in various publications. In my anthology, Written Across the Genres, Jordan has an essay titled “Reflections”, a poem called “Dreams”,  and a novel excerpt […]

Interview with Author George Cramer

In my anthology, George Cramer has an essay titled, “Why I Hate D.E.E.R.” in which he takes the reader on a ride to see why deer are a hazard when he’s on a motorcycle road trip. George also has a novel in progress excerpt in the anthology called “A Tale of Robbers and Cops” in […]

Quote about Choices by Brodi Ashton

Brodi Ashton in Everneath said “Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with.” I’m editing submissions I have received for my new anthology, Choices. The entries to my poetry contest about choices are with my poet/friend judges. Winners will be announced in early August.

Oakland Anthology Book Launch

I’ve been asked to serve as Mistress of Ceremony at the Oakland Senior Center’s Book Launch and Reception this month. I enjoyed doing it two years ago and I’m honored to do it again. The title of the anthology this year is WORD MOVER. Several writers from my writing classes will have stories in it […]

Quote and Submissions Request for CHOICES, An Anthology

“Sometimes in the waves of change we find our true direction.”   Unknown This quote was on Facebook by my friend, Frances Caballo.  I’m posting it because I like it but also as a reminder to those of you who would like to submit to my next anthology with the theme Choices. Short stories and […]

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