Collaborative Stories Posted For Comparison

In my anthology, Written Across the Genres, there are two collaborative stories. Each one starts with the same first paragraph or two but then they separate into very different adventures.  Members of my morning creative writing class each wrote 100 words to continue Dock Story One. Members of my afternoon class did the same and […]

Poetry in Written Across the Genres

In Written Across the Genres, the romance section, Mary Lou Haugh contributed two poems and E.A. Provost entered one. Haugh’s “A Forbidden Night” and “Love at Our Heels” are from her book, Love At Our Heels – A collection of Poems. E.A. Provost wrote “What a Hand Weighs” and she can be found on Twitter: […]

Romance Short Story Excerpt

In my last post about my anthology, I gave an example of a romance novel by Sharon Svitak called Simply Irresistible.  Nalini Davison’s story, “Hot and Cool”   is a romance short story. Here are a few paragraphs. “He paced back and forth in front of Claire. After a few minutes, he threw his arms skyward and […]

“Saving Sheena” a Short Story by Jan Davies

Jan Davies short story called “Saving Sheena” is in the Mainstream Fiction section of Written Across the Genres, my anthology available on Amazon and Kindle and can be ordered at a local bookstore. Sheena’s grown and married children are worried that she’s lonely living by herself. Here’s is an excerpt: “All five pairs of eyes […]

Written Across the Genres Amazon Reviews

What a nice surprise when I went to my book, Written Across the Genres, on Amazon and found new reviews. The book has 8 five stars and 1 four stars rating. I appreciate all of you who wrote reviews, and the most recent one by MBTG. Who are you, MBTG? I’d like to thank you […]

Book Recommendation

Elaine Schmitz, author of  Recipes & Recollections of My Greek-American Family, organizes a reading group that I joined this month. The six people in the group take turns recommending a book for everyone to read and then they meet once a month to discuss the chosen book. Elaine’s choice for January was The Best American […]

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