Western Flash Contest Update

We have two entries to the Western Flash Contest, due October 25th. Check out the New Contest page on the top menu bar of this blog for guidelines.

Flash Short Story Contest Next

As soon as the poetry contest Honorable Mentions are announced, I will move the poems about children to the Archive page and announce the new contest. Since it has a due date of October 15th, I want to give your muse time to formulate an entry. I need a submission for my anthology, tentatively called […]

A Class of Muses

At 53,433 words for NaNoWriMo 2012, we have a rough draft for our class anthology. As in all the post NaNo years, editing and polishing are next on the agenda. The goal is to have it published by February. Since I crammed for five and a half hours, I probably need another NaNo pressure to […]

National Novel Writing Month

My NaNoWriMo project this year is not a novel. It’s an anthology called A Class of Muses, and my ID on nanowrimo.org is JMK. I’ve written first drafts of four novels during past Novembers. My third novel, Hada’s Fog, is in its sixth and final draft. Monday and Tuesday writing class members have submitted stories, […]

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