Welcome, I am Julaina Kleist-Corwin

I’m a teacher, writer, and story consultant

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Happy Labor Day 2014

I hope everyone has a Happy Labor Day. What does one do on Labor day besides relax in a hammock or have a big family picnic? What is labor, really? I’m a writer but sitting down to write isn’t labor to me, it’s rejuvenating, inspiring, and fun. I love to read fiction, but all the […]

Lillian Hellman Quote for Writers

Lillian Hellman says “Story is what the characters want to do. Plot is what the writer wants the characters to do.” The character in my new novel, Norman in the Painting, who appeared wearing a Homberg hat, is keeping his intentions a mystery. I wanted him to be hired by the antagonist, but he refuses […]

Winners in Choices Poetry Contest

Winners of the Choices Poetry Contest on this blog will be announced in September. Due to vacations this summer, it was difficult for the judges to meet for a consensus. Many quality entries spread the nominated winners by each judge to well over the three place awards. We plan to have honorable mentions included this […]

Gore Vidal Quote for Writers

“Each writer is born with a repertory company in his head. Shakespeare has perhaps 20 players. … I have 10 or so, and that’s a lot. As you get older, you become more skillful at casting them.” —Gore Vidal How many did you cast today? How many are waiting in the wings?

The New Character Wears a Homberg Hat

While writing Chapter Seven in my novel, Norman in the Painting, a new character arrived wearing a business suit and a Homberg Hat. He’s  a stranger to the small town, and Jill mistrusts him. Maybe she should but maybe he’s a guide to the interdimensions Norman travels. It’s too soon to tell for sure.

Port Key or Handle for an Inter-dimensional Novel Question

In an inter-dimensional novel, can a port key or handle to move from one place/dimension to another be a particular colored object?  In my new novel, Norman in the Painting, I’m stuck on what makes Norman disappear and reappear. I’d like to use specific colors. Any suggestions?

Women’s National Book Association Board Members

We five Women’s National Book Association board members enjoyed an afternoon at Barb and Rich Santos’ home along with other writers and friends from the San Francisco Writers Conference. From left to right, WNBA President Kate Farrell, Secretary Julaina Kleist-Corwin, Webmaster Linda Lee, Social Media Manager Frances Caballo, and Membership Chair Jane Glendinning. The San […]

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