Written Across the Genres Amazon Reviews

What a nice surprise when I went to my book, Written Across the Genres, on Amazon and found new reviews. The book has 8 five stars and 1 four stars rating. I appreciate all of you who wrote reviews, and the most recent one by MBTG. Who are you, MBTG? I’d like to thank you […]

Interview with Poet Joan Green

Joan Green wrote a poem called “Our Talking Cat” for my anthology, Written Across the Genres. Her poem is comprised of 16 haiku that tell the story of how their cat learned to say her husband’s name. Joan earned a BA from UC Berkeley and holds an elementary teaching credential. She loves to volunteer, travel, […]

Collaborative Story Dock One

(End of collaborative story from previous posts.) Marian felt like an outsider while her father and Gen reunited with her mother. She gazed at the sparkling lights on the dazzling landmark. From the dock to the tower was what she had wanted, but she never expected the dangerous way to arrive there. “Marian, join us,” […]

Collaborative Story Dock One

(Dock One Collaborative Story Continued from previous posts.) “I know you have the key, where is it?” her father motioned toward the contents of her purse spread on the bed. Marian observed the photo among her personal items. “Give me the key now.” He smashed a chair against the wall. “Why should I?” She controlled […]

Collaborative Story Dock One

(Collaborative Story continued from previous posts.) Marian approached the Eiffel tower as her stomach roiled with fear. She moved forward, alert like a nuclear weapon specialist ready to push the button for the next war. She was thankful the lights on the tower illuminated the ground under it. A large crowd of tourists with their […]

Collaborative Story Dock One

(Collaborative Story Dock One continued from previous posts.) The throb in Marian’s right temple pulled her from her sleep, the outline of a man in a chair brought her back to the reality of the dead man on the pier and the ride through Paris with Gen. The instinct to bolt took hold of her, […]

Collaborative Story, Dock One

(Collaborative Story continued from last posts.) They found a sign in the restaurant window that the woman translated, “closed for renovation.” Marian hoped her friends had returned to their hotel. “Thank you for driving me here. I need to find them.” She reached for the door handle. “I’ll get a cab.” “No need for that. […]

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