Plan Your Year: Nonfiction Writing Prompt #52 by Nina Amir

Check out Nina Amir’s blog post: Write Nonfiction NOW! Inspiring You to Make a Positive and Meaningful Difference–and a Career–with Your Words Plan Your Year: Nonfiction Writing Prompt #52 – 2016-12-28 03:17:36-05 The most successful nonfiction writers know the value of planning. Whether you are writing a blog post, an essay, an article, or […]

Last Wednesday Visual Story Prompt In November By Mundus Media Inc.

Ready for a magical visual story prompt from Mundus Media Inc? Click here for more prompt info and to learn about Michelle’s offers for book covers, logo design, branding, book marketing ads, etc.                   Julaina Kleist-Corwin Editor of Written Across the Genres Author of Hada’s Fog (soon […]

Prompt For Mystery Writers

The newspapers are filled with crimes that could be used as prompts for mystery writers. The following description didn’t hit the local newspapers yet, but I heard about it today  from my friend. Her sister, I’ll call her D., was babysitting  two young grandchildren when she heard what sounded like gun shots outside. She went […]

William Joseph Pianist with Story Prompt

My fave, Lindsey Stirling, played her violin with William Joseph for another music video and suggested subscribing to Joseph. I did and discovered this particular one called “Jar of Hearts” with, what I thought, was a good story prompt in it. If you are using this weekend to do writing and your muse is hiding–click […]

Christopher Marlowe

Christopher Marlowe, besides being a poet and spy, was considered the foremost Elizabethan tragedian of his day (baptized in February 1564). “He influenced William Shakespeare, who was born in the same year as Marlowe…” When Marlowe was at Cambridge college, he was a spy for Queen Elizabeth. “Marlowe’s plays are known for the use of […]

Writers’ Prompt from Jack Heffron

The Writer’s Idea Book by Jack Heffron includes more than 800 prompts. I randomly opened the book to “Chapter Fourteen: Your Fifteen Minutes.” Each chapter begins with a famous writer’s quote. Chateaubriand was assigned this chapter with: “Let us not be too scornful of fame: nothing is lovelier, unless it be virtue.” Heffron was a […]

Writers' Prompt from Jack Heffron

The Writer’s Idea Book by Jack Heffron includes more than 800 prompts. I randomly opened the book to “Chapter Fourteen: Your Fifteen Minutes.” Each chapter begins with a famous writer’s quote. Chateaubriand was assigned this chapter with: “Let us not be too scornful of fame: nothing is lovelier, unless it be virtue.” Heffron was a […]

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